Memory Loss/ Brain Fog

What Causes Memory Loss and Brain Fog 

When to Seek Help If You Have Memory Loss

Memory loss in older persons can be caused by a variety of illnesses, including Alzheimer’s disease. It’s critical to have a proper diagnosis and treatment as soon as possible.

Everybody forgets stuff from time to time. How many times have you misplaced your car keys or forgotten a new acquaintance’s name?

Memory issues, as well as a slight reduction in other thinking abilities, are a very normal side effect of aging. There is, however, a distinction to be made between normal memory changes and memory loss associated with Alzheimer’s disease and similar illnesses. Some memory impairments, on the other hand, are caused by curable diseases.

If you’re having trouble remembering things, see your doctor to receive a diagnosis and treatment.

Aging and memory loss

Normal aging-related memory decline has no bearing on your ability to live a full and productive life. For example, you might forget a person’s name periodically yet remember it later in the day. It’s possible that you’ll misplace your glasses from time to time. Alternatively, you may find that you need to make lists more frequently than in the past in order to remember appointments or tasks.

These memory changes are usually tolerable and do not interfere with your ability to work, live independently, or maintain social relationships.

Mild cognitive dysfunction

This is defined as a significant deterioration in at least one area of thinking skills, such as memory, that is greater than aging but less than dementia. Mild cognitive impairment does not hinder you from doing daily tasks and participating in social activities.

Mild cognitive impairment is still a mystery to researchers and doctors. Many people eventually get dementia as a result of Alzheimer’s disease or another dementia-causing ailment.

Other people’s memory loss isn’t as severe, and they don’t experience the whole range of dementia symptoms.

Memory loss can be reversed if the cause is reversible.

Memory loss and other dementia-like symptoms can be caused by a variety of medical conditions. The majority of these issues are treatable. Your doctor can run tests to see whether you have any illnesses that cause reversible memory loss.

Reversible memory loss can be caused by a variety of factors, including:

  • Medications. Medications, either alone or in combination, might produce forgetfulness or confusion.
  • A minor head injury or trauma. Even if you don’t lose consciousness, a head injury from a fall or accident might create memory issues.
  • Emotional problems. Forgetfulness, disorientation, difficulty concentrating, and other difficulties caused by stress, worry, or depression can disturb daily activities.
  • Alcoholism. Chronic alcoholism can wreak havoc on one’s mental faculties. By mixing with drugs, alcohol can potentially cause memory loss.
  • Deficiency in vitamin B-12. Vitamin B-12 keeps nerve cells and red blood cells healthy. Memory issues might be caused by a vitamin B-12 deficiency, which is frequent in older persons.
  • Hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism, or an underactive thyroid gland, can cause forgetfulness and other cognitive issues.
  • Conditions affecting the brain. Memory loss or other dementia-like symptoms can be caused by a tumor or infection in the brain.

When should you see your doctor?

Consult your doctor if you’re concerned about memory loss. There are tests that can be used to identify the severity of memory loss and the cause.

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Memory Loss/Brain Fog

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